Patch Notes
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If you are looking for the v2 patch notes you can find them here: v2 Patch Notes
Unreleased versions
Nothing at this time check back later to see if there are any new pre release versions
Released versions
Ellie Bot v4.0.6
Fixed voice presence logging
Fixed 'clubaccept, 'clubban, 'clubkick and 'clubunban commands
Ellie Bot v4.0.5
Fixed several bugs in the currency code
Fixed some potential memory leaks
Fixed some response strings
Ellie Bot v4.0.4
Fixed the id which shows up when you add a new Expression
Fixed some strings which were still referring to "CustomReaction(s)" instead of "Expression(s)"
Ellie Bot v4.0.3
Console should no longer spam numbers when 'antispam is enabled
Ellie Bot v4.0.2
Fixed 'rero not working due to a bug introduced in 4.0
Ellie Bot v4.0.1
Nothing client end was added
Ellie Bot v4.0.0
Added 'deleteemptyservers command
Added 'curtr <id> which lets you see full information about one of your own transactions with the specified id
Added support for stream notifications ('stadd)
Added unclaimed waifu decay functionality
Added 'stock command to check stock prices and charts
Re-added 'qap / 'queueautoplay
CustomReactions module has been renamed to Expressions.
This was done to remove confusion about how it relates to discord Reactions (it doesn't, it was created and named before discord reactions existed)
Expression command now start with ex/expr and end with the name of the action or setting.
For example 'exd ('dcr) is expression delete, 'exa ('acr)
Permissions ('lp) be automatically updated with "ACTUALEXPRESSIONS", "EXPRESSIONS" instead of "ACTUALCUSTOMREACTIONS" and "CUSTOMREACTIONS"
Permissions for 'ecr (now 'exe), 'scr (now 'exs), 'dcr (now 'exd), 'acr (now 'exa), 'lcr (now 'exl) will be automatically updated
If you have custom permissions for other CustomReaction commands
Some of the old aliases like 'acr 'dcr 'lcr and a few others have been kept
Currency output format improvement (will use guild locale now for some commands)
'crypto will now also show CoinMarketCap rank
Waifus can now be claimed for much higher prices (int -> long)
Several strings and commands related to music have been changed
Changed 'ms / 'movesong to 'tm / 'trackmove but kept old aliases
Changed song -> track throughout music module strings
Improved 'curtrs (It will now have a lot more useful data in the database, show Tx ids, and be partially localized)
Fixed twitch stream notifications (rewrote it to use the new api)
Fixed an extra whitespace in usage part of command help if the command has no arguments
Possible small fix for 'prune ratelimiting
'gvc should now properly trigger when a user is already in a gvc and changes his activity
'gvc should now properly detect multiple activities
Fixed 'warn punishments not being applied properly when using weighted warnings
Fixed embed color when disabling 'antialt
Removed obsolete placeholders: %users% %servers% %userfull% %username% %userdiscrim% %useravatar% %id% %uid% %chname% %cid% %sid% %members% %server_time% %shardid% %time% %mention%
Removed some obsolete commands and strings
Ellie Bot 3.0.13
Fixed 'greetdm causing ratelimits during raids
Fixed 'gelbooru
Some weird crashes
Music stability
Ellie Bot 3.0.12
'smch Fixed
'trans command will now work properly with capitilized language names
Ban message color with plain text fixed
Fixed some grpc coordinator bugs
Fixed a string in 'xpex
Google version of 'img will now have safe search enabled
Fixed a small bug in 'hangman
Ellie Bot 3.0.11
'remindl and 'remindrm commands now supports optional 'server' parameter for Administrators which allows them to delete any reminder created on the server
Added 'qexport and 'qimport commands which allow you to export and import quotes just like 'crsexport
Added 'showembed <msgid> and 'showembed #channel <msgid> which will show you embed json from the specified message
'at and 'atl commands reworked
Persist restarts
Will now only translate non-commands
You can switch between 'at del and 'at without clearing the user language registrations
Disabling 'at will clear all user language registrations on that channel
Users can't register languages if the 'at is not enabled
Looks much nicer
Bot will now reply to user messages with a translation if del is disabled
Bot will make an embed with original and translated text with user avatar and name if del is enabled
If the bot is unable to delete messages while having del enabled, it will reset back to the no-del behavior for the current session
'crypto now supports top 5000 coins
Ellie Bot 3.0.10
'warn now supports weighted warnings
'warnlog will now show current amount and total amount of warnings
'xprewsreset now has correct permissions
Ellie Bot 3.0.9
'ea will now use an image attachments if you omit imageUrl
Added 'emojiadd with 3 overloads
'ea :customEmoji: which copies another server's emoji
'ea newName :customEmoji: which copies emoji under a different name
'ea emojiName <imagelink.png> which creates a new emoji from the specified image
Fixed an error that would show up in the console when a club image couldn't be drawn in certain circumstances
Ellie Bot 3.0.8
Fixed adding currency to users who don't exist in the database
Ban/kick will no longer fail due to too long reasons
Fixed some fields not preserving inline after string replacements
'slot redesigned
Reduced required permissions for 'qdel
Ellie Bot 3.0.7
'streamsclear re-added. It will remove all followed streams on the server.
'gifts now have 3 new ✂️ Haircut 🧻 ToiletPaper and 🥀 WiltedRose which reduce waifu's value
They are called negative gifts
They show up at the end of the 'gifts page and are marked with a broken heart
When gifted, the waifu's price will be reduced by the price * multiplier
Negative gifts don't show up in 'waifuinfo nor is the record of them kept in the database
Fixed %users% and %shard.usercount% placeholders not showing correct values
Ellie Bot 3.0.6
'logignore now supports ignoring users and channels. Use without parameters to see the ignore list
Hangman rewrite
Fixed an exception which caused repeater queue to break
Fixed url field not working in embeds
Ellie Bot 3.0.5
Fixed images not automatically reloading on startup if the keys don't exist
Fixed 'logserver - it should no longer throw an exception if you had no logsettings previously
Ellie Bot 3.0.4
Fully translated to Brazilian Portuguese 🎉
Added %server.boosters% and %server.boost_level% placeholders
Possible fix for 'repeat bug
Slight adjustment for repeater logic
Timer should no longer increase on some repeaters
Repeaters should no longer have periods when they're missing from the list
Fixed several commands which used error color for success confirmation messages
Ellie Bot 3.0.3
Added 'massban to ban multiple people at once. 30 second cooldown
Added 'youtubeuploadnotif / 'yun as a shortcut for subscribing to a youtube channel's rss feed
Added 'imageonlychannel / 'imageonly to prevent users from posting anything but images in the channel
Added 'config games hangman.currency_reward and a property with the same name in games.yml
If set, users will gain the specified amount of currency for each hangman win
Fully translated to Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian 🎉
Ban 'warnp will now prune user's messages
'boostmsg will now properly show boost, and not greet message
Ellie Bot 3.0.2
'rero now optionally takes a message id to which to attach the reaction roles
Fully translated to German 🎉
Added 'boost, 'boostmsg and 'boostdel commands which allow you to have customizable messages when someone boosts your server, with auto-deletion support
Updated 'greetmsg and 'byemsg command help to match the new 'boost command help
Updated response embed colors in greet commands
Success -> green
Warning or Disable -> yellow.
'timely will now correctly use the normal color
Fixed 'log commands
Removed 'novel command as it no longer works
Ellie Bot 3.0.1
Fixed some issues with the embeds not showing the correct data
Ellie Bot 3.0.0
Code cleanup
Command attributes cleaned up
Removed dummy Remarks and Usages attributes as hey were unused for a few patches but stayed in the code to avoid big git diffsmigration code has ran and it can be safely removed
Small performance improvements
A lot of cleanup all around
Fixed many response strings which were formatted or used incorrectly